new hdd

Picked up a 300 GB SATA Seagate w/16MB Cache hard drive at Frys today for a really nice price (even better after the MIR). It took 75 minutes to copy the 160 GB on my current drive to the new one, and my comp is smoother now. Gotta figure out what to do with my 250 GB SATA now, I’ll probably hold on to it and rebuild my raid array with it, to replace the current 7x120GB.

After that was at Circuit City waiting for Christina to return some stuff and saw that the laptops were picking up some rogue wifi signal (linksys + att dsl) so I downloaded and installed firefox on a couple of them. Then I opened up reviews of the current model in FF and left it open. One got 5/10 at cnet, which is quite a feat.